1. Weimarer Script-Slam

Welcome to cerebral cinema!
The Weimar Animation Club offers a warm invitation to our first public script read. You can participate as authors with your scripts or be part of the audience and jury member to pic the best script.

when: 7.2.2020 / 7:00 p.m.  
where: Projekt Eins
entry deadline for scripts: 15.1.2020
prize money for the best script: 200€
prize money for the reader of the best script: 100€

Qualified for the script read are all thinkable (and unthinkable) script formats - animation, documentary film, experimental film, fiction, short, feature, in German or English language .. even scripts that have already been realised are welcome.
The scripts have to be hand in till 15.1.2020. Please send an email with the subject "Scripttease", a short description of yourself and the script in pdf format to weanimationclub@gmail.com.
6 of the best scripts will be selected and read publicly. The rule is that the authors are not allowed to read their own scripts. Drawing the lot decides which author will read which script. The authors will receive the script to be read by them 24h in advance of the event. Authors can pic a stand-in to read the script for them.
Every reader (author or stand-in) has 10 minutes to read out loud the scripts she or he got. After that the audience will vote, if the reader is allowed to read for another 10 minutes.
On top of that the audience will vote for a over all winner of the Script-Slam.
After all the scipts are read the prize money will be hand over in the award ceremony.

This is followed by a party to celebrate the winners and the art of script writing.
